Monday 29 August 2011

Design GUI- About Us


Description of the individual link:

To introduce Taman Negara Pahang to blogger where we wish to let them know about Taman Negara Pahang. As we know, Taman Negara also name it as National Park or Garden where is Malaysia's Premier National Park.It is one of the oldest,if not the oldest ,unspoilt rainforests in the world, and it is estimated to have over 130 million  years.

As a protected area, tree-cutting or logging and other commercial development and activities are strictly prohibited. S o far no commercial logging has occurred.

Design of GUI:

This design is let the blogger to view our blog where we have home, contacts, location, accommodation and about us. So that, the blogger did not confuse when they view our blog.

Flow chat of individual site:

This link let blogger to know more about Taman Negara Pahang.

Wednesday 20 July 2011

MMU FOM Open Day E-wallpaper

First of all we need to find out five picture where represent MMU,and this are the following  picture that i use it for my e-wallpaper.

After i had five out this five picture,i start to do the e-wallpaper, where the first step is create a new file and set the preset as custom where the width is 297mm and height is 210mm. Beside that i also sent the color of my e-wallpaper into RGB color. After set all the thing,  the image will become landscape. 

After a new file is form, i choose a picture that i had found previous as my e-wallpaper background. On the other hand, i use the magic wand tool to select the MMU word without the background from the picture that i had be found previous and put it in to the e-wallpaper. Beside the MMU logo, i also use the magic wand tool to select the e-bee and paste it in to the e-wallpaper as well. However i also copy and paste the other two picture into the e-wallpaper.

After i had put in the all picture into the e-wallpaper, i start to do some effect to the picture. For example, i will make the MMU logo to have a shadow where i will double click to the MMU logo layer and choose the drop shadow. Beside that, i also rotate the picture and make shadow to it.Last but not least , i type in the MMU FOM OPEN DAY by using the Horizontal Type TOOL.Lastly my e-wallpaper is done. :) 

Thursday 30 June 2011

Lab 2 Layer

This is my second lab exercise where i need to combine two picture into one picture.After the combination combination of two picture, the will come out a postcard.First of all, i will choose the beach as my background picture, after that i will apply the other picture into the beach picture such as HAWAII word, pineapple,the hibiscus and other.Finally, my postcard is form after edit ,edit  many time :) 

Lab 1 Selection

This is my first tutorial task,where i need to use Adobe  Photoshop CS5 to edit a picture. First of all, i will download the file from the MMLS(where the picture shown on the left hand side). After that,i will start to do my homework. First of all. i will choose Elliptical Marquee Tool(M) to crop out the salad's label and beans as it eyes. After that i will keep using Elliptical Marquee Tool(M) as my tool to do other part such as ear,mouth and nose.Lastly i get my final picture where shown on the right hand side on top.

Thursday 23 June 2011


안녕하세요, i am yin yeong (1101107341). Im the student from FOM, major in Management with Multimedia.Kuantan, Pahang is my hometown where the have a very nice beach and people like me.