Wednesday 20 July 2011

MMU FOM Open Day E-wallpaper

First of all we need to find out five picture where represent MMU,and this are the following  picture that i use it for my e-wallpaper.

After i had five out this five picture,i start to do the e-wallpaper, where the first step is create a new file and set the preset as custom where the width is 297mm and height is 210mm. Beside that i also sent the color of my e-wallpaper into RGB color. After set all the thing,  the image will become landscape. 

After a new file is form, i choose a picture that i had found previous as my e-wallpaper background. On the other hand, i use the magic wand tool to select the MMU word without the background from the picture that i had be found previous and put it in to the e-wallpaper. Beside the MMU logo, i also use the magic wand tool to select the e-bee and paste it in to the e-wallpaper as well. However i also copy and paste the other two picture into the e-wallpaper.

After i had put in the all picture into the e-wallpaper, i start to do some effect to the picture. For example, i will make the MMU logo to have a shadow where i will double click to the MMU logo layer and choose the drop shadow. Beside that, i also rotate the picture and make shadow to it.Last but not least , i type in the MMU FOM OPEN DAY by using the Horizontal Type TOOL.Lastly my e-wallpaper is done. :)