Monday 29 August 2011

Design GUI- About Us


Description of the individual link:

To introduce Taman Negara Pahang to blogger where we wish to let them know about Taman Negara Pahang. As we know, Taman Negara also name it as National Park or Garden where is Malaysia's Premier National Park.It is one of the oldest,if not the oldest ,unspoilt rainforests in the world, and it is estimated to have over 130 million  years.

As a protected area, tree-cutting or logging and other commercial development and activities are strictly prohibited. S o far no commercial logging has occurred.

Design of GUI:

This design is let the blogger to view our blog where we have home, contacts, location, accommodation and about us. So that, the blogger did not confuse when they view our blog.

Flow chat of individual site:

This link let blogger to know more about Taman Negara Pahang.